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July 06, 2005

First Thursdays


It's the first Thursday of the month, and there are, as usual, 10 zillion things going on...

There are a couple of art shows I'd like to get to:

There's this huge Flickr meetup at Crossroads Cafe with no less than (currently) 63(!) people watching it on Upcoming.org

Then I somehow have to manage to get cross-town to the Argus Lounge where a friend is performing live, original music.

After that... perhaps a stop-in at the 920? It is on the way home after all...

A sidenote: I'm exceptionally jealous that I'll be missing the SWOON opening at the Deitch (NYC):

Turning the 76 Grand Street gallery into a ramshackle labyrinthine city of paper and paint, SWOON will be producing her most ambitious installation to date.

For this exhibition, SWOON will be transforming both the façade and the interior of the gallery into a handmade cityscape full of hidden corners to discover. Taking Kawloon Walled City as a creative point of departure, she hopes to evoke the spontaneous, unregulated, and often dangerous development that took place in the autonomous Hong Kong slum before it was bulldozed in 1993. Reproducing rooms upon rooms, illegal balconies, and unregulated creativity will fill this exhibition, as will dramatic cutouts of scaffolding, power lines, elevated trains, and all the imposing infrastructure of the city.

A trip to NYC is in order... perhaps in early August...

Posted by claudine at July 6, 2005 05:48 PM


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